Title: My Hobby
The word “Hobby” is derived from a “Hobby Horse” which flick fitted with a wooden horse and on which small children for their amusement. So, hobby is a useful work which can be take up during leisure. Hobby means a useful work in which one interest and drives pleasure by doing it in spare time without monetary benefit. This occupation is quite apart from the regular work. There are many hobbies like gardening, stamp-collecting coin-collecting, photography, reading, etc. which one adopts according to one’s taste and purse.
It is a recreation from the exhaustion and fever of life. After a day’s hard labor, not all persons can go to see the movie and visit clubs for entertainment. Hobby provides a cheap source of entertainment and amusement. Gardening is my favorite hobby through which I can sec Nature and enjoy it. Nature is a true and dependent guide of man. Wordsworth contends that Nature never betrays anyone who loves her.
Ours is a big house. There is open space for vegetation, fruits and flowers. I have grown flower plants of rose, lily and sun-flower. The sweet fragrance of the flowers serves, as a tonic for my body and thus relieves me of becoming a prey to some disease. I have planted a few fruits also. There is adequate growth of vegetables in our compound. So, we seldom purchase any vegetable from the market.
Gardening provides me a good exercise for the day. It keeps me healthy. Happy and fresh for the day’s labor. Gardening is my sincere friend and inspires me whenever I am in a depressed mood. Whenever I cast a glance over my small garden and see the beautiful flowers, my heart blossoms.
Life is strife. If we rest, we rust, if we work. We shine if we shine, the world gives us credit. Moreover, an empty .mind is a devil’s workshop. It is better that one should pass a very much bus life. Struggle in the life it, self gives pleasure to a man.
Hobby, thus, is an interesting, pursuit through which one derives pleasure, recreation and amusement in the leisure. In hobby one sucks pleasure, feels exalted and mentally elated. Hobby removes the monotony and melancholy of mind. Rather, hobbies have a great educative value. Moreover, hobby gives a stimulus to better living.